The Joy of Generosity
At Kawartha Community Church, we encourage a culture of giving. Every gift makes an incredible difference to our incredible church, the people of this community and our work in the world. Give a single gift online or in person, and you can even set up recurring donations. We are so grateful for your commitment and generosity.
There are three ways to give your tithes and offerings to Kawartha Community Church
Several have asked about E-transferring your tithes and offerings to KCC. We have been able to set it up online, so if you would like to contribute that way, here is how:
E-transfer your offering to direct@kawarthachurch.com;
You will be required to enter the amount and your mailing information.
When the offering is deposited, you will receive a notification.
Cost to KCC $0
Many choose to send an offering by cheque. Please do not send cash in the mail.
To give by mail.
Fill in the cheque, fold and put in a plain addressed envelope. Make sure put your return address on the envelope and write a note to put inside if you are post-dating the cheque.
Mail your cheque to Kawartha Community Church
444 Howden Street
Peterborough, ON K9J 4B3
The charge of this type of giving to KCC – $0
Online Giving
Canada Helps takes Credit Cards, Visa Debit or Paypal for Contributions online. The charge of the offering to KCC is 3.5%.
Please use the below secure Donation Form to give through Canada Helps.
It is compliant with the highest level Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS).
All Canada Helps online donors will receive instant tax receipts at time of donation. Here is the Canada Helps link:
KAWARTHA COMMUNITY CHURCH | Charity Profile | Donate Online | Canadahelps